
Saturday, April 25, 2009

Will I ever grow up??

Great class today. It was the 7gypsies tag album. You all know I love my 7gypsies and I love technique workshops and this was a combination of the two, Fabby.Due to the Flower Show traffic we had a bit of a late start and that combined with a lively bunch of students made for a challenging and hilarious workshop. I love it when we seem to laugh for most of the day. Here they are having lunch. Yes I allowed them lunch today lol.

Not sure what Helen's doing here. Think shes singing opera!!!!

Running around after a large class means flatties. So today's shoe watch is little ballerina pumps.

The Goddess came and assisted me today. Thank goodness she did. Ten mins before the class started I broke my glasses. I pulled out the spare pair from my bag to find they were broken as well. So The Goddess shot off home to find me another pair. She is my hero!!

Even though she took this odd photo of me. As you can see I haven't morphed overnight into a young lady. But I have put my beloved dockers to one side whilst the sun is shining.

Its my fave tomorrow, Art Journals. Yayy!! I've loads of pages to show you tomorrow.
Enjoy xx

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Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx