
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bumper shoe watch!!

After rude comments from America (He who should be obeyed!!) about the scruffy boring last two days of shoe watch. Hey when its this cold comfort comes first!!! I have a quality pair to stun you with. These are a couple of years old and I love them soooooo much that I hardly wear them -I just look at them!! Yes I know, you don't have to tell me!! lol. They are made by Irregular Choice and when I bought them they had a large cream paper chrysanthemum attached to the front of each shoe. Fabby, but quickly got ruined.

I just love the rounded toes,

Look at the curve on those statement heels!!

And just look at the inners!!

Ooohhh just luvvly.!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow - those a soooooo gorgeous! I love rounded toes too. Also love all the cut-out circles.

    Fabulous, dahling!



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