
Friday, August 15, 2008

New workshop samples... Almost!!!

I have spent all day frantically trying to do samples for the next brochure. Preview day is next saturday and sunday 23rd and 24th August. I'll let you know times later in the week.

The idea of preview day is that the workshop samples for the next couple of months are all on display in the studio ready for you to view. All those booking and paying for workshops on either of those days will recieve a 10% discount on the workshop. Plus there is also 10% off all goods purchased on the day.

Online customers can still get 10% discount by booking the workshop online on both those days. Dont worry if the discount doesn't show at the checkout, you will not be charged the full price.

Photos of all workshops should go up on on saturday 23rd August. Here's a few sneaks of what i've been up to today.


  1. Hi Dyan
    You have received an I LOVE YOUR BLOG award from me. pop over to my blog for details.

  2. Ooo, looking forward to the new workshops! I'm hoping to get over there and get some done.


Thanks for stopping by, hope I didnt make you cry today..!! lmao. Please leave me your random twitterings for all to enjoy..xx