
Sunday, November 20, 2011

News from Art from the Heart Towers...

Well.....29 years ago today I gave birth to this bouncing 10lb 9oz baby boy. Where on earth did the frikkin time go..??? Surely I am not old enough to be his mother.!!!!

29 years gone...just like that..unbelievable really...

Many of you will know Our Ben, he is my shop manager, mail order manager, web designer, newsletter chief, purse string holder, maker of sensible decisions, man of little words, reigner in of my antics and the mainstay of my business. Without him there would be non business, as I would probably be quite happy living up a tree making collages with mud and leaves.!!!

But no he makes me focus, he makes me turn up for work, he makes me behave appropriately (well almost), he makes me make business decisions, he pushes me, he calms me when I am on rapid cycle, he puts up with me when my ADD is bad and most of all he understands me...!!!

He is not only my first born son, but he is my business partner...and for all these things I love him to death. I know you shouldn't love one child more than another, BUT, I can safely say he is my favourite eldest child, lol.
Tom is my favourite youngest boy. Jay my favourite eldest girl and Emmi my favourite youngest child...!!!!

Here is wearing some of his pressies from the lovely Katie. A new hideous Christmas woolly for his growing collection and a rather snazzy personalised apron.

It actually says Master of Sunday roasts and not Taster..!!! lmao

As you can see he is overwhelmed with emotion that I pooped round for a hug..!!!

Other things that have happened this week include the lovely Liz bestowing upon me this gorgeous Royal teapot. What can I say..!!!

Here's some piccies from the technique journal workshop.

Here#'s the lovely Jeanine showing off a finished spread from an earlier class.

On Saturday the lovely Tina travelled all the way from Wiltshire and popped into the shop to see us. Of course we had to have our photo taken didn't we..??

I've taught two lots of journaling classes this week, one Friday and one today, both packed to the rafters which was great to see. I taught the same thing on both days. We were embracing our dark side, by using
only the really dark coloured inks with a ghosting technique over the top.

I then made them practise doodling with a white pen, freehand and through stencils, to make the pages pop. These are all works in progress and will be finished at a later date. Thanks to all who came, we had a ball. Special commendations go to the following.

Friday class....The lovely Chrissie for her totally unintentional double entendres, and thankfully my Mary is not a light up one, but you never know..!!

And Sunday's goes to Paula for her cautionary tale which included miniature pot bellied pigs, hospital appointments, and rear fastening gowns.!!!! I am still giggling away at the thought. xx

You don't pay any extra for the constant stream of entertainment at any of the journaling classes, but unfortunately, due to over excessive demand, Tena ladies are no longer provided and you will need to supply your own..!!!

Enjoy xx

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Those of a nervous disposition....

...please look away when I say....!!!

I received this parcel in the mail today..

notice the HRH..!!!

Beautifully wrapped goodies...

can you see what I can see...??

It was from the gorgeous Lady in Waiting. Kaz..

Now is the time to look away...

The parcel contained a note...which said..

"Enclosed for your pleasure:-

1.One very Royal be worn on Royal duties when ones hair may be having a bad day.!

2.One set of Royal dentures for photographs and special occasions.!

3.One set of Royal sugar lump prongs to be used when serving the finest tea..

4.One cup, saucer, plate (Royal of course !!)to be used when one needs to be reminded that they are the most wonderfully creative Queen that ever did walk the land.!!

Enjoy. Love and big Royal hugs.!!

Your Lady in waiting...


How fabby to receive such thoughtful gifts from ones staff...!!!

I will leave you as usual with a page from the Ledger

Enjoy xx

Monday, November 14, 2011

Ledger Pages

This was the class I taught and made on Friday. Double spread in the Ledger.

Short and sweet today as I am all tied up with designing for January and the days seem to be merging into one.!!

Enjoy xx

Friday, November 11, 2011

Good night God bless

The soldier stood and faced God,
Which must always come to pass.
He hoped his shoes were shining,
Just as brightly as his brass.

"Step forward now, you soldier,
How shall I deal with you?
Have you always turned the other cheek?
To my Church have you been true?"

The soldier squared his soldiers and said,
"No, Lord, I guess I ain't.
Because those of us who carry guns,
Can't always be a saint.

I've had to work most Sundays,
And at times my talk was tough.
And sometimes I've been violent,
Because the world is awfully rough.

But, I never took a penny,
That wasn't mine to keep...
Though I worked a lot of overtime,
When the bills just got too steep.

And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear.
And sometimes, God, forgive me,
I've wept unmanly tears.

I know I don't deserve a place,
Among the people here.
They never wanted me around,
Except to calm their fears.

If you've a place for me here, Lord,
It needn't be so grand.
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don't, I'll understand."

There was a silence all around the throne,
Where the saints had often trod.
As the soldier waited quietly,
For the judgement of his God.

"Step forward now, you soldier,
You've borne your burdens well.
Walk peacefully on Heaven's streets,
You've done your time in Hell."

Author Unknown

Thursday, November 10, 2011

prize giving and workshop info...

I have a couple of prizes to give away today.

The first is for leaving a comment on the UKS blog hop post, and the number is...

 Ifa said...

Gorgeous page Dyan

And the winner of the caption comment is....

TonyR said...

"i think we're gonna need considerably bigger buns!"

You lot look like you had a great time!!

Ha ha have always loved that film..!!!

Congratulations lfa and Tony...please send me your addresses so that I can get your pressies out to you.

Heres daily outfit for you. item from Dotty P
Cardigan... thrifted from the Oxfam shop of my £1 bargains from Primarni
Headband...bit of leftover fabric and wire

Oooh you can't beat a bit of thrifting...can you.??

Just thought I would give you a bit of info on some of the classes coming up at the studio.

Tomorrow is your chance to recreate one of my journal pages.

Fri 11th Nov - Dy’s Journal pages - 10-3pm

A chance to be taken step by step through one of Dyan’s multi layered journal pages. Starting with inks and a gesso resist we will slowly start to add depth to the layers, you will learn many techniques along the way, including colour, collage and composition, all the time maintaining your own style. We will be inking , gessoing, spraying, stencilling, stamping, painting, cutting sticking and embellishing.

Our Price: £20.00  Book HERE

Next up is the fabulous ABC Primer from Graphic 45


Sat 12th Nov - Graphic 45 ABC Primer double gate fold album - 10-4pm

The quality of these papers is superb, a real traditional back to school theme for kids and grown ups alike. This album has a real quirky way of unfolding, first one side and then the other to reveal page after page of delight. Pockets, tags, envelope, and more and more.
Our Price: £35.00  Book HERE

Another Graphic 45 treat for of my famous pocketed star books

Tues 15th Nov - Wizard of Oz Star book - 10-3pm

Star books are one of our most popular classes in all the years I have been teaching and I am sure this one will prove to be no exception. Graphic 45 have done it again with their stunning release of the Wizard of Oz. I don’t think there’s many of us who don’t secretly melt at the thought of watching it again and again!! Every page is pocketed so you can store all those precious memories that ensure “ there’s no place like home”.!!

Our Price: £30.00 Book HERE

And on Tuesday one of my taggy technique journals

Wed 16th Nov - Technique journal - 10-3pm

It maybe that you are well experienced in the creative delights of paint and inks, or it may be the opposite and you are a complete beginner. Either way this is the workshop for you. To me, the best journals are those made from scratch with love! Therefore we will start by making the pages, playing with inks, sprays, paints ets in various ways for stunning effects. We will then mix them with lined papers to make a hard back journal with a canvas binding. The addition of tags, envelopes, files and doodling ensures that you can really put your own personal stamp on it.

Our Price: £25.00 Book HERE

I also want to tell you about my last weekend workshop of the year. This is the altered book weekend, and is suitable for those dipping their toe into the journaling pond, as well

Fri/Sat/Sun 2/3/4th Dec - Altered book weekend - 7.30 – 10pm/9.30-5pm/9.30-4pm

After repeated requests and dozens of desperate pleas, lol, I have managed to squeeze in a weekend of altering. We will be taking an old book, making a hidden drawer, folded pages, hidden pockets, layering techniques, windows, flaps, tags and pull outs. You will experience techniques galore and have a ball putting them into practise. Painting, inking, spraying, folding, pleating, layering, cutting, hiding, doodling, stamping, colouring, eating, drinking, chatting, laughing and generally having a ball.
 Snacks and lunch on both days included

Our Price: £150.00 Book HERE

And I will leave you with a page from The Ledger

Enjoy xx