
Monday, October 31, 2011

News from the studio

Just a quickie tonight, as I am in the middle of doing a step by step journal page for the UK Scrappers blog hop which goes live at 8 in the morning. I hope you will join us.

Here's a page from the journal

Enjoy xx

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Remains of the weekend

Sadly, after much hilarity, blood sweat and tears, the Fallen Angels have had to part for another few months. We had the bestest ever time, and I love them all very very muchly.
I kept forgetting to take pictures, but here are some of the high lights.

The kitchen has now been transformed into vintage china heaven

And the bunk beds have now been transformed into storage for the cups

This is how I was woken Saturday morning..!!!

This is a stew going into the slow cooker. I had to tempt them with something tasty and nutritious, as I was calling upon them to lend me their muscles all day..!! You might be wondering what for.??

Well, when we moved premises 18 mths ago, we had so little time to conquer such a mammoth task, that things were brought in and stashed in the back without being sorted. This has been slowly driving me barmy, as contrary to popular belief, I like everything to be sorted and in it's place. But I don't like to start a job if I haven't the time to finish it. So 6 hours later, umpteen tip runs, complete reorganisation and declutter, first name terms with the guys at the tip, complete advantage taken of Bezzy Su's lovely hubby, numerous pots of tea, copious amounts of Quality Street and we were done.!! Thank you girlies you were fantastic. Love you all xxx

At some point in the day I decided to recreate the beehive on one of the others...

|Yup it was the gorgeous Bezzy Su. I think she looks fab but she wasn't convinced...

It was back to normal for her this morning, but strangely enough she opted to cook the breakfast. Now you may know she is not exactly renowned for her skills in the kitchen, so we rallied around with helpful hints and tips...


wait for it...

She produced this..!!!

Not quite sure how she managed it but no one was complaining. Sexy Susie was speechless...

It was found over the weekend that my blow up mattress was on it's way to mattress heaven, with a slow puncture, so it was assigned to Sandra to deflate it ready for the tip. She was struggling with it, so Susie thought she would help and pressed on it only for it to ping back up sending them both rolling off the sides.

 After I eventually stopped laughing, we discovered they had only forgotten how to take the bung out, lmao

The girlies had been on a Ikea run and returned with a tray of, the one and only Krispe Kreme's.
The Goddess couldn't decide which to have, she's useless at making a decision.! So Bezzy came to her rescue, with a slice of each lol.

Which left behind a rather bedraggled selection.!!

I am now trying to put the studio back into some semblance of order and then I am off home for a long bubbly soak.

Here's a page from the ledger

Enjoy xx

Friday, October 28, 2011

Fallen Angels weekend...

I am a member of a secret society, known as the Fallen Angels....Membership is extremely exclusive and only by invitation and successful  completion of the initiation ceremony. I am the Master of ceremonies.

I may drink out of china cups and saucers, but I still like to dunk my ginger biscuits.

Think Jay went a bit over board with the mini party rings.

Sandra bought me this fabulous retro dress, so of course I had to oblige by wearing it..

Not sure what we were doing here, lol.

Just love it Babe, thank you xxx

Emmi seems a bit confused with the proceedings

Jay is always happy after a cup of Rosy Lee

Sandra was on the wine and turned bright red within ten minutes

She was busy  transforming this little set of bunk beds into a new display for my vintage china.

Here's Ali, temporarily relieved from her pretty parcel wrapping.

Although she swore blind she wouldn't, Bezzy Su is loving the teacups.

 We spend the weekend laughing, crying, bonding, healing, comforting, advising, bitching,and eating. It is the best medicine you could ask for, to heal a damaged heart and soul..

"There is an intimate laughter to be found only among friends"...May Angelou

"You know you've got the greatest friends when the only time they make you cry is when you are laughing too hard"

I am in the middle of another quote canvas for the wall.

And I will leave you with a page from the Ledger.

Enjoy xx

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Ooooh lots to tell today.

I've been having a funny old time of it lately... Although my professional/business life couldn't be better, with fabulous opportunities in the pipe line, my personal life has just been going from bad to worse. But I am not a quitter and find it extremely hard to give up on anything or anyone. I will go over and above to help someone, and want to help save everyone in the world. Unfortunately there comes a time when you owe it to yourself to walk away. Cue for a quote, lol...

"There are some things in life that even chocolate or wine can't help with.!"

or two..

"Some people feel that holding on and hanging in are signs of strength, but sometimes the strength comes in the letting go"

With those in mind I have been trying to be kind to myself, with lots of love, little treats and positive affirmations. I decided to turn my little bedroom into a journaling snug, leaving my bedroom free to just be a beautiful boudoir, to aid restful sleep, lol. So I have lugged one of the couch's up from the lounge, moved all my journaling and sewing paraphernalia in there, loaded it with candles and have set about creating art for the walls.

We have tons of large painted canvas's in our house...well what do you expect with both me and Jay at it, but as I've decorated and tastes altered, they have been lying unloved. So I have decided that what my journaling room needs is journaling...!!! At first I was going to write all over the walls, but then I remembered the canvas's and thought them the ideal candidate for the job.

So here's the first one finished. Its over 7ft tall and looks very impressive.

First of all I wrote everything out in draft.

Then I filled it all in with black paint

Then I went to town with my doodling

Just frikkin love it and have started three more, in a slightly different style.

Have had a lovely day today. It was the kids day workshop and we were making canvas Christmas decorations. It went fabulously, and who came and joined me for the day, but this lovely lady.

Yes it's the one and only gorgeous Kaz. She had brought her family with her and is staying a few days. Millie attended the workshop and hubby Daz was ushered into the kitchen to make copious amounts of tea.

They came laden with gifts for me...such a lucky girl.! Its not everyday you get a suitcase full of china, is it..??

I tell you, in my neck of the woods, china teapots are few and far between.

I am in the process of clearing out all the mugs in the kitchen and replacing them with china cups and saucers. Their will be a plethora of teapots, milk jugs and sugar bowls, all tastefully mismatched. Oh and little cake plates for your choccie biscuits or slices of Battenburg...

Why? you might ask.. because I want to, is the reply. I am going to introduce some Old English charm, lol. Plus, it's my studio, lol.

Now stop moaning Bezzie Su, I have a mug here especially for you.!!!

This was amongst Kaz's gifts. A fabby 1940's teapot, with plenty of room for many a brew.

This little beauty was earmarked straight away for my house. I even found a Queen teaspoon, courtesy of Sexy Susie.

Ditto with this gorgeous set, six of each, en route to my dining room. And no, Jay, don't even think about it, they are mine all mine..!!!

Here's a few of the cups.

And this gorgeous set was courtesy of the lovely Liz.

Here I am with My Maisie and Kaz's Millie, who hit it off like a house on fire and bonding over their love of art journals.

Kaz had sent me these earlier on in the week as a little cheer up gift, but I wasn't sure how to fit them.

Can you tell what they are.??

 Oh yes, my car is now sporting luscious long lashes...Tres chic..

And I have saved the best till last, any ideas..?

Does this help...??


Just take a lookie at this little beauty she brought me.

How fabulous is that.?? I was sooooo excited I nearly peed myself.!!!

I am hoping Our Ben is going  to start using it to do the newsletter.!!!

The following two pictures are purloined from the that gorgeous bundle of gorgeousness's blog...the one and only Dina Wakley. Pop over and see her write up.

There is also another fabby write up on the lovely Kat's blog

I will leave you with one of my pages from the ledger,

Enjoy xx